Tell me why im waiting timmies
Tell me why im waiting timmies

tell me why im waiting timmies

and a few secret rare events that I wont spoil.Rats and Timmys may beg for their life and.Squad leaders will call out orders for bots based on the situation.Bot Groups now use a complex system to call out enemy locations, friendly status, their current actions, and requests to other group members in close proximity.Currently Implemented Presets: GigaChad, Chad, Rat, Coward, Timmy, Normal.Bots with excellent gear will be more aggressive, taunt their enemy, and wait for enemies to show up far less frequently.

tell me why im waiting timmies

  • Bots are assigned a personality preset that influences their decisions and talk behavior.
  • Build with Waypoint's expanded NavMesh in mind, so the entire map is fair game for the AI.
  • tell me why im waiting timmies

    Anywhere there is NavMesh and objects, bots will take cover and fight properly.Bots use objects around them in the real gameworld rather than preset static points.Bots React to you reloading, healing, pulling out grenades, pulling pins on grenades.DrakiaXYZ's Waypoints REQUIRED for this feature!.PMCs and Scavs will move to extract at the end of raid, or if they are heavily injured and can't heal.Bots will move outside their bot-zones to investigate gunfire or chase enemies.Entirely new decision system and framework.AI Will Run for cover while reloading and using first aid.

    Tell me why im waiting timmies